Clearly Blessed, Fully Loved

Not long ago, a friend of mine blessed me with this cute little bag. At the time, I had no idea how I could put it to use, it was too big to put in a purse, I already had a bag for makeup, and so it sat for a few weeks as I contemplated what I could use it for. I’ve seen some women use these bags as mini-purses, not really my thing. Other times I’ve seen them used to hold stuff in purses or bags, but I already a similar smaller bag for my loose items in my purse. So it sat on the bottom shelf of my buffet table staring back at me each night as I painted or worked on devotionals.

One night while painting, I noticed the bag again beckoning to me to put it to use. It hit me that I could use it for my paints. I had several tubes of paints that needed a place to be stored in and so I put it use. In the beginning there were only about four or five tubes that sat at the bottom of the bag. I had other tubes of paints that were in their original store bought package that I had to open and pull out of the box every time I wanted to use them. So I tossed those in the bag as well and threw away the package. Then I added even more tubes of individual paints as I purchased them and before long my bag was full.

As I sat down to work on today’s post, I was at a loss as to what the Lord wanted me to share. I had started to work on one of my drafts and it just didn’t seem to want to come together. I had taken a deep breathe, prayed, took a sip of water, and as I glanced up from the computer I noticed out of the corner of my eye this little bag beckoning to me, grabbing my attention once more.


I thought about how this simple little statement held a big message behind it. The clear bag while it starts out empty, begins to fill up with whatever we may put into it. We can actually watch as it begins to fill with stuff. As sinners, our bag is empty of the presence of God. When we become Christians, our bag begins to fill will the love of God as He pours into our lives what we allow Him to do. We become transparent as we grow in Him and others begin to see Christ in us. As our bag continues to fill up, we begin to see how blessed and loved we are. As it overflows, the love of God is poured out spilling into the lives of those around us.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Matthew 5:6

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

This is My commandment, that you one another as I have loved you.

John 15:12

Remember you are blessed, you are loved, and God has more for you as He fills you to overflowing. For His glory. His purpose. Are you ready? If you have read this to end, know that you have been prayed over. God bless!

The Traveler

A loving Father sent His Son to walk with us through the valleys.

As you travel down the path of life, have you ever looked back and wondered what you would change, if you could? I’m sure we’ve all at some point looked back and had regret whether big or small. We wished we could have done it differently, whatever the it in your life was that led to regret. Join me as we travel through time. A time when all seemed right with world that ended with regret and the journey back to right again. Our journeys are different yet the same.

Continue reading “The Traveler”

Imagine Getting This

Imagine your mother-in-law sending you this card…

Imagine getting this card in the mail from your mother-in-law. When my husband started his own business years ago (which we have since sold) my mom sent him this card. It wasn’t his birthday, it wasn’t Christmas so what was the occasion? As he opened the card I heard him laugh a deep belly laugh and I wondered what on earth did she send him? Read on…

Continue reading “Imagine Getting This”

Broken Pieces

We’ve all been there at one time in our lives. Whether young or old, we’ve all experienced some form of hurt. It could have been the child waiting with anticipation for his or her parents to attend a school play only to have them forget or were too busy with work to attend. The heart begins to crack. Promises broken. Pieces begin to fall away. Or maybe it’s the adult with the promised promotion or bonus that falls through adding to the hurts already there. The list could go on forever.

The enemy whispers “nobody cares about you”, “your not worthy of the promotion”, “look at you, even God doesn’t want you”. He torments you with feelings of unworthiness, shame, betrayal. He digs in pressing on the one thing that he knows will take the wind out of your sails. He is so busy tormenting you that he lets his guard down and doesn’t notice the change in the air around him until it’s too late. He whirls around only to see the Lord picking up the pieces of your broken heart. He screams at the unfairness as he turns and tries to attack you only to find a shield around you that he can’t breach, leaving him frustrated that he lost yet another one to the Lord. I can see this handsome fallen angel shaking his fist promising next time he won’t fail as he slinks away licking his wounds of defeat.

I can almost visualize the Lord picking up the pieces of our hearts and examining each one with loving care. How He might hold the piece in His hand and pray over it taking the hurt from our lives and setting it down to pick up the next piece of hurt and continue the process until each piece has been carefully handled and prayed over. I can imagine Him looking at the pieces after handling them and seeing them put back together again. Smiling as He whispers in our ear “I am with you always.”

Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Can you see yourself touching the jagged pieces and wondering why He didn’t just make it smooth and whole again? I can envision Him saying something like: “You wonder why the edges aren’t smooth and whole. The jagged pieces are a reminder of what you went through and how I was there for you putting the pieces together so you could find your way home again.”

Psalms 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

He’s waiting on you to open the door so He can heal your broken heart. Praying for you! God Bless!